Tratamentos Dermatológicos e Cirúrgicos para manter a sua pele saudável e feliz.
Encontre nesta página o CV e artigos científicos publicados.
Cuidados Dermatológicos

Personal Details!!!
Name: Leonor Girão
Professional License No.: 31130
Mobile Phone: +351 969 427 484
Email: girao.leonormail.com
Academic Training
1987 – Degree in Medicine (Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa [Lisbon Faculty of Medicine)
1989 – General Internship in Medicine at Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon
1994 – Complementary Internship in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Hospital de Santa Cruz, Lisbon
2000 – Complementary Internship in Dermatology at Hospital do Desterro, Lisbon
2000– Specialised in Dermatology and Venereology
2010 – Consultant degree in Hospital Dermatology
2012- 2018- Several courses in Aesthetic Dermatology
Professional Experience
Director of the Dermatology Department at Hospital das Forças Armadas, Lisbon, Portugal
Responsible for the Contact Dermatitis and Occupational Dermatitis Unit as well as the Dermatological Surgery and Laser Unit
Invited Lecturer to the Post-Graduate Dermo-cosmetics Sciences of the Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon
Trainer in the field of Dermatology for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and basic school teachers.
Medical Practitioner in public and private services in the area of General Dermatology, Pediatrics, Dermo-cosmetics and Surgical Dermatology.
Participant and medical staff guide at the National Institute of Medical Emergencies of the Guidance Centre for Emergency Patients, Lisbon
2003-2006 – Medical Consultant in the field of Dermatology at Novartis Farma, Lisbon
2004/2007 – Consultant and Clinical Manager in the field of Dermatology at EVIC Portugal
2011- 2019 - Clinical Director at PhD Trials
2012 – Dermatologist in the Portuguese TV show Extreme Makeover “Dr White”
2016- 2019 - Dermatologist Director in is own private clinic in Lisbon in clinical dermatology and aesthetical field.
Regular speaker in National and International Professional congress and Regularly invited has a dermatologist specialist in TV programs.
Complementary Activities
Member of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology
Member of the Portuguese Association for Skin Cancer
Chair of Portuguese Group of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology
Member at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Additional Training and Publications
Most relevant papers in Regenerative Medicine
Pedro C Pinto, Filipa P, Leonor Girão. IST13-1141: Platelet-rich plasma in scar and photo aging patients: bioengineering evaluation Oral Presentation, IMCAS 2016.
Leonor Girão. PRP and other applications in Dermatology. Protocol: PRP in Scars. Book Clinical indications and treatment protocols with Platelet-rich plasma in Dermatology. Rubina Alves & Ramon Grimalt. Ediciones Mayo 2018; 73-78 and 90-91.
Peter A Everts, Pedro C Pinto, Leonor Girão. Autologous pure platelet‐rich plasma injections for facial skin rejuvenation: Biometric instrumental evaluations and patient‐reported outcomes to support antiaging effects. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2018;1–11.
Peter A Everts, Pedro Pinto, Leonor Girão. Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for Facial Rejuvenation. PRIME- Journal; July-August 2018; Vol 8 Issue 4; 15-24.